Our bodies need time to process fats after eating. When you consume a large amount of fat-rich foods in a short period, it can lead to a build-up of fat in your blood.
In our research we found that some people still had elevated blood fat levels several hours after consuming 70g of fat. Based on these findings, we estimate that a person's fat tolerance can range from 55-100g of high-quality fat over an 8-hour period.
Your specific fat threshold will depend on your personal Blood Fat Score, and the type of fat you eat.
What do the warnings mean?
“Too much or low-quality fats”
This warning appears when you've either:
Had too many low-quality fats within 8 hours (e.g., processed meats, cakes, fried foods)
Had too much fat overall within 8 hours, even if it's high-quality (e.g., olive oil, avocado, nuts, seeds)
“Keep an eye on your fat intake”
This is a gentle reminder that appears when you've exceeded your fat threshold, but your overall day score is still excellent (over 70) to help you make more informed choices for the next time.
Remember, these warnings are here to help you make informed decisions about your diet. If you receive a fat threshold warning on a day with a good score, there's no need to worry – it's just extra information to help you fine-tune your choices.
You can learn about how to avoid the fat threshold in the future here.